Donald Trump has bizarre illiterate meltdown about leaving New York, makes up several fake words

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In the twenty-something hours since the news broke that Donald Trump is officially changing his state residency from New York to Florida, he’s floated a number of different and conflicting reasons for why he’s doing it. That’s because he can’t admit he’s doing it out financial desperation (he’s also suddenly selling off his only profitable hotel for short term cash).

The trouble for Trump is that he can’t stick to the script when it comes to why he’s leaving New York. In fact at this point we can’t even figure out what the script was supposed to be. Trump’s latest berserk meltdown about the move is, well, whatever the opposite of a thing of beauty might be.

For instance, Trump starts off like this: “I love New York, but New York can never be great again under the current leadership of Governor Andrew Cuomo (the brother if Fredo).” That’s right, he just misspelled yet another two letter word, while invoking an ethnic slur against Italians. Trump then goes on to accuse Cuomo of having weaponized the prosecutors to do his “dirty work.” Trump also seems to think that “drill for Gold (oil)” is a thing. Then he stated that “Too many prople” are leaving “our wonerful City.” He then deleted the entire thread and tweeted it again just to change “if” to “of” – but ended up tweeting “wonerful” and “prople” again.

Donald Trump is trying to spin this as him leaving New York because prosecutors are corruptly targeting him, which is a terrible message, because he’s admitting he’s fleeing prosecution, and because it doesn’t even work that way. But the reality is that Trump is making a series of financial panic moves which suggest that he’s gone broke and he’s in financial collapse.

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