What is even happening right now?

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Today began with Donald Trump falsely accusing his own Deputy Attorney General of “treason,” involved Trump mysteriously vanishing from the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and ended with Roger Stone’s nemesis Randy Credico going on a tirade about all the criminal Trump dirt he knows is out there โ€“ and that was only half the story. What is even happening right now?

I wrote early this morning that today was going to be “bonkers” due to the sheer number of things in play right now in Donald Trump’s criminal scandals. Even I didn’t know today was going to be this weird. Paul Manafort was the star of the dumpster fire yesterday, yet today he barely managed to get airtime, because too much other Trump garbage was happening.

The clown in the center ring today ended up being Roger Stone, who tellingly laid the groundwork for Donald Trump’s exit, and then hours later was exposed as having called Trump on the phone right after Jerome Corsi emailed him about an upcoming WikiLeaks dump that could alter the election. Corsi tried to take his own star turn with a whacked out MSNBC interview, but he didn’t get to keep the spotlight for long before Randy Credico decided he wanted it.

Credico โ€“ who now hates Roger Stone and Donald Trump โ€“ took to Twitter tonight and let loose about Trump’s alleged “depraved sexual behavior” and “economic crimes” and asserted that Stone has enough dirt to send Trump to prison for the rest of his life. Credico didn’t reveal why he seems to think Stone, who has remained publicly loyal to Trump, might be motivated to give up this dirt. But at least we now know that it apparently exists, and it could explain why Trump has remained so deferential to Stone over the years, even though Trump doesn’t seem to think much of him.

Somewhere in all this lunacy, Robert Mueller was quietly busy. He appeared to nail Donald Trump for lying in his written responses, which would be a crime. The judge in the Manafort case scheduled a Friday morning conference to move forward on Mueller’s accusation that Manafort lied to him, which should involve Mueller giving the judge a bunch of dirt on Manafort, and the judge making it public.

There was also this bizarre thing where Donald Trump ditched the press pool and vanished from the Christmas tree lighting ceremony, leaving his own handlers with no idea how to explain what had happened, raising questions about where he was and why he’d left. On this day of all days, Trump apparently ran and hid. And just as a reminder, this day started with Trump posting an image of everyone from Rod Rosenstein to President Obama in prison. What is even happening right now?

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