No wonder Donald Trump has been going bonkers trying to distract us

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Donald Trump has spent the past week trying to distract us on a level we’ve never seen. He’s publicly picked fights with everyone from Jeff Sessions to Samantha Bee to Disney CEO Bob Iger. He’s met with Kim Kardashian in the White House. He’s frantically done anything and everything he could think of to create controversial headlines, in the hope of drowning out whatever it was he thought was about to drop. Now we have some insight into what got Trump so spooked.

This morning we learned from NBC News that Robert Mueller is targeting Jared Kushner’s close friend Rick Gerson for his role in whatever was going with Donald Trump, Erik Prince, and the United Arab Emirates in the Seychelles. Why does this matter? It’s a clear attempt on Mueller’s part at getting Gerson to flip on Kushner, so that Kushner will have to flip on Trump – and the Trump family is taking it quite seriously.

Just take a look at how Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and other Trump family members are all at Camp David right now. They’re not there for vacation; they go to Trump properties for that. They only occasionally go to Camp David when they’re in crisis mode and they want to focus on trying to figure out what to do next.

Here’s the interesting part. Although it’s a big deal that Robert Mueller is closing in on Jared Kushner’s friend, it’s not a big headline grabber in and of itself. Not everyone is going to see today’s news and automatically translate it into “Oh wow, Kushner may have to flip on Donald Trump soon.” This suggests that Trump expects another shoe to drop in this matter. The big question is why the Gerson news is suddenly surfacing today. Is he about to flip on Kushner, or is something else in play here? At least now we know why Trump is in a panic.

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