Melania Trump’s spokesperson weighs in about her disappearing act and makes it even worse

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No one among the media or the public has seen or heard from Melania Trump in nearly three weeks. At every step along the way, the Trump administration has fed us inaccurate information and refused to answer basic questions, turning her disappearing act into even more of a suspicious controversy. Now Melania’s spokesperson has decided to weigh in and try to clear things up, and let’s just say that now things are even more suspicious.

No one involved with Melania Trump’s disappearance has been straight with us at any point. We were initially told that she was checking into the hospital for multiple days, for a kidney procedure that would not have required multi-day hospitalization. When she still hadn’t been seen or heard from by the end of the week, the White House was outright refusing to answer the media’s questions about whether she was even still in the hospital.

Then Donald Trump announced on Twitter that Melania was finally back at the White House, calling her “Melanie” in the process. That managed to distract everyone for a few days while they were laughing at Trump’s melting brain. But eventually a group of reporters assembled outside the White House asked Donald where Melania was, and he pointed to a White House window and insisted that Melania was looking out at them, even though there was no one in the window. Now the story is completely out of control.

Over the weekend, Palmer Report fact checked the internet’s claim that Melania Trump had changed her Twitter location to New York City, determining that this was not the case. Yesterday, Melania’s spokesperson Stephanie Grisham tried to capitalize on this, issuing a press release (quoted by CNN), dismissing the Melania in New York narrative as “just more silly nonsense.”

That’s actually a smart tactic, shooting down the most outlandish rumor about you, in an effort at discrediting all of the rumors about you as a whole. But then Grisham blew it, insisting that “I wouldn’t characterize this as a long absence.” Uh, no. The “First Lady” of the United States disappeared twenty days ago, and no one knows where she is or why. If she’s having a serious medical issue, they’d just say so. They’d gain points by doing so – unless it’s the kind of thing that they can’t disclose. Instead, by ludicrously claiming that a three week vanishing act is not a long absence, Melania’s team has only made this even more suspicious.

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