White House alters pool report after Sarah Huckabee Sanders admits Donald Trump knew about Trump Jr. meeting

It looks like Donald Trump may now need to find someone else to do his press briefings. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has unofficially taken over for Sean Spicer, and while she’s arguably even more inept at it than he was, she’s managed to last this long by confidently vouching for Trump’s lies. But today she blew it by confirming that Trump is lying about a crucial detail that essentially incriminates him. Then the White House tried to underhandedly cover up her words.

Donald Trump has spent the week trying to sell the story that he only learned about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian government within the past few days. It’s his way of trying to keep himself out of the treasonous conspiracy between his son, Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, and whoever else was involved in the meeting. But in her briefing today, Huckabee Sanders screwed up and flat out admitted that Trump might have known about it earlier.

Here’s what Sarah Huckabee Sanders said today about Donald Trump’s knowledge of his son’s meeting: “In fact maybe it was mentioned at some point.” But according to NY Times reporter Julie Davis, the White House retroactively removed that quote from the pool report that it issues to reporters who weren’t in the room (link). This informally amounts to a confession by Trump through his spokesman, and then an attempted coverup by the White House to bury that confession, making it arguably one of the most scandalous moments in a prolonged coverup attempt that’s already had a historic number of scandalous moments.

At the least, this is the latest evidence that Donald Trump knew about the Trump Jr. meeting and that he’s lying about having known. And depending on the legal interpretation, the altering of the pool report to remove incriminating evidence might even be a crime in itself. If you’re a regular reader, feel free to support Palmer Report

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