After report he may resign, Donald Trump’s lawyer Marc Kasowitz has profane threatening meltdown

It turns out Donald Trump’s lawyer in his Russia scandal may have more in common with his client than we knew. Earlier this week came a report that attorney Marc Kasowitz is frustrated at Donald Trump’s unwillingness to listen to him and is considering resigning. After someone contacted Kasowitz about the report and encouraged him to resign, Kasowitz responded by staging a profane and threatening meltdown.

The chain of events began when a New York Times article stated all the way down in the sixteenth paragraph that Marc Kasowitz might resign because Donald Trump is taking bad legal advice from Jared Kushner (link). Then ProPublica reported that Kasowitz isn’t seeking security clearance of his own (link), and pointed to things in his past which might prevent him from being able to get clearance. This also further suggested that he may not be planning to remain on the job. Rachel Maddow then discussed the saga on-air on her MSNBC show. That prompted a viewer to send an email to Kasowitz, earnestly encouraging him to “Resign Now.”

According to ProPublica (link), this prompted Kasowitz to reply in profane and threatening fashion with phrases such as “Watch your back, bitch” and “I already know where you live” and “You will see me. I promise.” If that sounds like a specific threat, it is.

It’s not clear if Marc Kasowitz regularly responds to emails that he doesn’t care for in this manner, or if this is out of character for him and he truly is feeling the stress of trying to represent an erratically uncoachable and obviously guilty client in Donald Trump. Oddly, Kasowitz has been representing Trump on and off for the past fifteen years, meaning he should be used to Trump’s frustrating nature by now. This raises the question of whether Trump’s behavior toward everyone involved may be growing worse as the scandal envelops him.

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