Secret Service news reveals just how aggressively Jack Smith is closing in on indicting Donald Trump

Even though Donald Trump is facing a thirty-four count criminal indictment in Manhattan, which is pretty serious, he’s expected to face even more serious criminal charges in other jurisdictions. In Fulton County he may face racketeering charges. And in DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case, Trump may be facing charges under the Espionage Act.

To that end, multiple Secret Service agents are now set to testify against Donald Trump to the DOJ grand jury this Friday, per multiple major news outlets. It’s not just that Smith has decided to put the Secret Service on the stand. It’s that whatever court battles may have played out over whether or not they’re required to testify, those battles have clearly already happened, and Smith has won.

Keep in mind that until today we didn’t even know Jack Smith was seeking to have the Secret Service testify against Trump. Now today we’re finding out that the battle over that testimony has already played out, and that they are testifying in just a few days.

It’s the latest reminder that at any given point the DOJ’s case against Trump has been way ahead of anything that we’ve known was going on. That continues to be the case now. Jack Smith just keeps putting increasingly crucial witnesses in front of the grand jury, which is a clear sign that a case is ramping up and nearing indictment.

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