Donald Trump’s missing ventilator scandal just got even uglier

Last week we all witnessed a public battle play out over the 30,000 ventilators in the FEMA stockpile. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he needed them in New York City because it was the coronavirus epicenter, but the Trump regime only sent him 4,000 ventilators, arguing the the rest needed to remain in stockpile.

Now FEMA is telling the House Oversight Committee that there are only 9,500 ventilators in its stockpile. If this claim is true, then where are the rest of the ventilators? The Trump regime was supposedly keeping 26,000 of them in stockpile, but it turns out the stockpile only has 9,500 ventilators. Where did the other 16,500 ventilators go?

Every state with a coronavirus crisis is complaining about not having gotten ventilators from the Trump regime. California was sent 170 broken ventilators, to give you an idea of the near total lack of ventilator distribution going on. Yet according to the Trump regime’s own claims, there are 16,500 fewer ventilators in the national stockpile than there were a few days ago.

Has Donald Trump been quietly giving tons of ventilators over the past week to Republican Governors who don’t need them? Or were these ventilators part of the seventeen tons of medical equipment that the State Department admitted it gave to China in a press release in February? It looks like Trump has spent the past several days downplaying New York’s need for the ventilators in the FEMA stockpile, because the majority of those ventilators weren’t in the stockpile to begin with. This needs to be investigated as a criminal matter.

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