LeBron James decimates Donald Trump yet again

The floodgates are wide open now. Back when Donald Trump attacked NBA star Steph Curry in racist fashion last month, Curry’s biggest basketball rival LeBron James came to his defense. He tweeted “u bum” at Trump, which instantly became part of the lexicon. Trump revealed he was afraid of LeBron when he failed to respond at all. That’s opened the door for LeBron to continue decimating Trump – which he did again on Tuesday night.

It all started when rapper Eminem utterly decimated Trump in a four minute video which angrily detailed the illegitimate president’s numerous transgressions (link). This prompted LeBron James to get involved, tweeting out some of Eminem’s lines from the video: “Racism is the only thing he’s Fantastic 4(fantastic for), cause that’s how he gets his rock off, he’s orange.” LeBron also included a picture of Thing from Fantastic 4:

Donald Trump has displayed a fairly consistent habit of only lashing out at the black public figures who criticize him, while generally shying away from lashing out at the white public figures who criticize him. Yet for some reason Trump seems to be afraid to fight back against LeBron James, perhaps because he’s too big of a star. In any case, it’s allowed LeBron to wage a one-sided battle against Trump, saying anything he wants about him.

That’s also allowed LeBron James to fight against Donald Trump on behalf of some of Trump’s favorite targets. For instance LeBron retweeted a post from Colin Kaepernick, who in turn thanked Eminem for defending him.

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