Donald Trump Jr screws up and makes Thanksgiving even worse for Donald Trump

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Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump seem to be in a long running race to see which brother can out-stupid the other. Junior keeps getting caught having coordinated with the Russians during the election. Eric is accused of having stolen money from a children’s cancer charity. But now Junior may have pulled back into the lead by screwing up in a way that makes their father Donald Trump look particularly bad.

Donald Trump Jr – who has blocked Palmer Report on Twitter because we keep calling him out on these kinds of things – thought he was being clever by posting a link to a new article from the Economist. He braggingly tweeted “You know you’re winning when even the Economist acknowledges POTUS is making things work for the middle class as promised.” The trouble: he clearly didn’t read the Economist article in question before he posted a link to it.

Here’s a sampling of what the Economist article actually says about the U.S. economy under Donald Trump: “Has Mr Trump kept his promise to revive American manufacturing, mining and the like? A more probable explanation is that he came to office just as America began to run out of willing workers to fill all of its job vacancies.” (link). In other words, the article is acknowledging that the U.S. economy was built up under President Obama, and now Trump just sort of happens to be there.

This comes even as a toxically unpopular Donald Trump is increasingly desperate to take credit for the Obama economy. Just this morning Trump tweeted “Jobs coming back, highest Stock Market EVER … lowest unemployment in 17 years!” But even Trump tries to convince his own base that he deserves credit for Obama’s work, Donald Trump Jr is busy unwittingly informing that same base that his father had nothing to do with it.

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