Donald Trump’s golf course in Dubai opens two weeks after he ordered Yemen raid as a favor

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Donald Trump has been famously struggling to get his golf course in the lucrative city of Dubai opened for so long that it’s become the stuff of legend. Two weeks ago we reported that Trump may have ordered the botched U.S. military raid in Yemen as a favor to the government of the United Arab Emirates, in which Dubai is located, in an attempt to get his golf course opened. And in an eye popping development today, Trump’s golf course in Dubai has now officially opened.

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Eric Trump announced the official opening of the Trump International Golf Club in Dubai today, even posting a photo of the fireworks that were set off over the eighteenth hole. Yet Donald Trump’s own official business website is still partially referring to the Dubai course in the future tense, suggesting that even the boastful Trump didn’t have any recent expectation that the course was about to imminently open for business. So what suddenly changed?

As Palmer Report detailed back on February 3rd, Trump’s military raid in Yemen was a joint operation with troops from the United Arab Emirates. The target of the raid, a leader for the long-fading terrorist group Al Qaeda, appeared to be more of a local threat to the UAE, and not a threat to the United States. And the Yemen raid was an incredibly poor high-risk low-reward choice for Trump’s first ever military operation. Apart from ulterior motive, nothing about Trump’s decision to order the raid made any sense.

Yet Donald Trump went through with the Yemen raid, even though it predictably resulted in the deaths of a Navy SEAL and several unrelated civilians, and the target wasn’t even there. And now that Trump has done that apparent favor to the government of the United Arab Emirates, even though it wasn’t successful, his long-gestating golf course in that nation is suddenly open for business just two weeks later, complete with Eric Trump and his fireworks. Draw whatever conclusions you like.

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