Unhinged Donald Trump reduced to screaming at White House television sets

It turns out Donald Trump’s increasingly unhinged angry tweets about the Russia investigation are more than mere posturing or blowing off of steam. According to inside reports, Trump is now so engulfed in rage about the deepening probe that he’s been reduced to watching it all unfold on cable news at the White House and screaming at the TV.

That’s the word from the Associated Press, which has confirmed that Donald Trump is indeed “yelling at television sets” (link). He’s insisting to anyone who will listen that it’s all a conspiracy, and that everyone involved is biased against him. Meanwhile his staffers have been desperately trying โ€“ and obviously failing โ€“ to keep Trump from further incriminating himself with rants on Twitter. They seem to have figured out that if he’s ousted from office, their jobs will vanish accordingly. Moreover, at least one of them is concerned enough about Trump’s deteriorating behavior to leak it to the media.

But the worst of influences around Donald Trump, including Newt Gingrich and his own son Donald Junior (neither of whom have jobs on the line if Trump is ousted), are trying to convince him to try to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Of course such a self destructive move would be the beginning of the end of his presidency, but it appears they’re encouraging him to go down in flames.

Meanwhile Trump’s tweets continue to cost him. For instance his tirade today means he’s almost certainly forfeited executive privilege with his staff (link). It’s why we’re now of the belief that Donald Trump will end up in prison (link). At this point it may just be a matter of who flips on him and who goes down with him โ€“ and of course whether or not he ends up smashing any of those White House television sets.

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