Roger Stone finally caves in Trump-Russia scandal

For all his public bluster during the course of the Trump-Russia scandal, it turns out Roger Stone is as eager to save his own skin as anyone else wrapped up in the scandal. Stone has been personal friends with Donald Trump for decades, and during the election he played a shady role in coordinating between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Now it turns out Flynn is caving to investigators.

Thus far Roger Stone is only known to have given up the name of his alleged go-between with Julian Assange, the leader of the Russian-controlled cyberterrorist group WikiLeaks. After the House Intelligence Committee threatened consequences if Stone didn’t cough up the name, Stone identified his intermediary as radio host Randy Credico, according to a CNN report (link). This has swiftly led to Credico being subpoenaed, and Credico says he’ll cooperate.

Although Roger Stone has only given up one name, he may have set off a chain reaction which could serve to incriminate Donald Trump in the Russia scandal. Credico will likely give up the details of his own communications with WikiLeaks in the hope of avoiding legal consequences. These details should help investigators to frame the context of the overall coordination between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks, which also separately included Donald Trump Jr. But the bigger story for the moment is that Stone is caving, because no one ever ends up caving to investigators just a little bit.

Roger Stone has used Twitter to rail against Trump-Russia investigators and journalists in such over-the-top and inappropriate fashion, he ended up getting permanently banned from Twitter. Yet for all his threats and all his talk, when it came down to it, Stone decided he didn’t want to see the inside of a jail cell. He’ll have to give up much more to avoid prison, including what he knows about Donald Trump’s decades of various crimes in the business world.

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