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Sean Spicer’s latest bizarre Twitter fail: “Pot”

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Trump-Russia GOP meltdown: John McCain accuses Rand Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin”

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Trump-Russia conspirator Roger Stone claims U.S. intel community tried to assassinate him today

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Fed up GOP Senator Chuck Grassley puts hold on DOJ nominee until he gets Trump-Russia answers

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Wanna get away? Sean Spicer accidentally tweets link to vacation site

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Monica Crowley, who asked Putin to hack Hillary’s emails, registers as pro-Kremlin foreign agent

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Desperate to distract from today’s Trump-Russia hearings, Donald Trump attacks Snoop Dogg

By Bill Palmer | 03/15/2017

Five signs that Donald Trump leaked his own 2005 tax returns as a Trump-Russia diversion

By Bill Palmer | 03/14/2017

James Comey to reveal details of FBI’s Donald Trump and Russia investigation today

By Bill Palmer | 03/14/2017

Looks like Donald Trump leaked his own “client copy” 2005 tax return as Trump-Russia distraction

By Bill Palmer | 03/14/2017


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