Worshipping Donald Trump

It’s been said that it’s rude to discuss politics and religion in a social setting. That is becoming more and more difficult to avoid given the current political environment. With the advent of social media, more people began feeling comfortable sharing their beliefs on all issues, despite now having an even larger audience than when previous conversations were done at the dinner table or perhaps after a few drinks at the bar, when lips are loose and true opinions flow faster than the beer tap.

With the recent death of Evangelist Billy Graham there is even more discussion than normal of religion by those in politics. The rise of Donald Trump, and his subsequent support by those that claim to be extremely religious, is still odd. With absolutely zero evidence of Trump ever being religious prior to his presidential run so-called Christians seemed to flock to him as the second coming of Christ.

Their near worship of him, to this day, is baffling. The fact that Donald Trump still carries a high approval rating among Evangelicals is almost laughable, and certainly confusing. Despite all of the facts coming forward almost daily, involving Trump’s multiple affairs with porn stars and Playboy playmates, the “religious right” continue to make excuses for him.

So what could possibly explain the praise, admiration, and even idolization Evangelicals show towards a man who exhibits literally zero of the attributes taught by any religion? Are the followers simply brainwashed, believing every word their leaders push? Why are top Evangelicals willing to sell out their faith to gain supporters? Perhaps for the very same reason that Trump was happy to sell out America for money and power. One thing is certain – fake prophets seem willing to do anything for real profits.

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