White House revises Melania Trump’s bio after we pointed out her illegal jewelry promotion

For all the railing that Donald Trump does about the evils of the media, it appears that Trump administration is in fact listening to the media. A few hours ago Palmer Report reported that Melania Trump’s freshly posted bio on the official White House website included the promotion of her QVC jewelry collection, which was a violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. Now the Trump White House has revised Melania’s bio, rewording the jewelry reference.

Here’s what the third-to-last paragraph of Melania Trump’s bio on whitehouse.gov looked like this afternoon:

After we published this article, which immediately went viral on Twitter and Facebook due to the blatant nature of Melania’s jewelry promotion, her bio on whitehouse.gov has been changed to say the following:

It appears that Trump’s White House changed Melania’s bio simply we wrote about how illegal it was. So, America, you’re welcome.

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