Donald Trump was micromanaging every aspect of the Trump-Russia coverup, and now it’s coming out

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Maybe it was all a coincidence, and the developments just happened to hit a dry spell these past ten days. Or perhaps the public was so engrossed with the Anthony Scaramucci freak show that the media decided to hold off from reporting on more important matters until he played himself out. But regardless of the reason, Donald Trump’s Russia scandal came roaring back to life late last night โ€“ and now it looks like the floodgates may have fully opened up directly on Trump’s own head.

Just hours after Donald Trump fired Scaramucci on Monday afternoon, a major new Trump-Russia bombshell landed in the Washington Post (link). The story immediately stood out for its weirdness: Trump himself dictated the statement that his son Donald Trump Jr had released, in which he falsely claimed that the Russia meeting at Trump Tower was about adoption. But once you get past the sheer absurdity of Trump having inserted himself into the mix in that manner, the true underlying importance of this story becomes clear.

At the first sign of trouble in this particular aspect of the Trump-Russia scandal, Donald Trump insisted on rushing in and personally taking charge. This means that there’s a lot more to this story that the WaPo is surely still piecing together. Trump clearly micromanaged the Junior-Russia coverup from start to finish, so more details will soon emerge about the other ways in which his fingerprints were on his son’s ever-changing story. But it also tells us that Trump also likely took charge of the coverup effort in every other aspect of his Russia scandal.

Just wait til it comes out that Donald Trump told Jeff Sessions what lies to tell under oath about his Russia meetings, or that Trump told Jared Kushner to lie about Russia on his security clearance forms. Now that we know he’s been micromanaging the Junior-Russia coverup, we also know that he’s been micromanaging the entire Trump-Russia coverup all along. Now it’s all going to come out, and it’ll be his undoing.

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