Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski hit Donald Trump yet again, in a way that’ll hurt him

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Last week Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski were famously two of three Republican Senators, along with John McCain, who killed off a late-night attempt at sneaking the unpopular TrumpCare into law. Months before that, Collins received relatively little credit for being the deciding vote that allowed the Senate Intel Committee to move forward with its Trump-Russia investigation. Now Collins and Murkowski are hitting Trump yet again where it hurts.

Speaking with CNN on Thursday, Susan Collins made clear that she’s siding with Special Counsel Robert Mueller when it comes to his investigation into Donald Trump’s finances. Collins said “The President can’t set red lines for Bob Mueller” (link). Due to her newly found status as one of a handful of swing votes in the Senate, she’ll end up being key when it comes to the pending legislation which seeks to curtail Trump’s ability to fire Mueller. And now she’s made her position clear. She’s not the only one.

During that same CNN interview, fellow Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski voiced her support for Susan Collins’ position on Trump and the Special Counsel.

The support of the two of them, combined with the two other Republican Senators who introduced the legislation, and the 48 Democrats, means that there appear to be enough votes to pass the legislation protecting Mueller. And so Collins and Murkowski have delivered yet another blow to Donald Trump.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report