SNL depicts Kellyanne Conway as knife-wielding stalker who tries to murder CNN’s Jake Tapper

In a Saturday Night Live episode being hosted by Donald Trump lampooner Alec Baldwin, it turns out Trump’s entire senior staff was fair game. The opening sketch saw Melissa McCarthy once again portraying Press Secretary Sean Spicer, while Kate McKinnon portrayed Attorney General Jeff Sessions. But McKinnon’s later turn as Kellyanne Conway may have been the most eye opening.
The sketch in question depicted Kellyanne Conway a deranged stalker who snuck into CNN reporter Jake Tapper’s apartment after he refused to put her on air due to her credibility issues. In vaguely Fatal Attraction themed sequence, Kellyanne alternated between trying to seduce Tapper and threatening to slit his throat with a knife as she became completely unglued. The dark and mean spirited sketch seemed to be an attempt at finishing off Conway, who appears to be on her last legs in the White House as it is. The metaphor extended to Conway falling out multistory window to her apparent death on the sidewalk below.
But, in comedic fashion, SNL’s Kellyanne Conway wasn’t really dead โ she simply got up and reconstituted herself Terminator style, before announcing that she only had three lives remaining. The sketch meant that Saturday Night Live cast member Kate McKinnon managed to take star turns as two different senior members of the Donald Trump administration in the episode, within minutes of each other.