With Anthony Scaramucci’s firing, Donald Trump’s descent into a full blown psychopath is complete

Donald Trump has fired White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci after just eleven days, meaning that Trump never had any intention of keeping the guy around. Trump hired Scaramucci because he wanted an unstable an swiftly unraveling individual to come in and temporarily wreak havoc in order to scare off everyone he wanted gone. And now Donald Trump’s descent into a full blown psychopath, a long time in coming, is complete.
There’s no way to mince words on this: Trump has long been either a malignant narcissist or a sociopath, depending on which medical professionals you want to listen to. But based on what Trump just did with – and to – Scaramucci, it doesn’t take a medical professional to figure out that Trump has descended new territory. Here’s the thing about sociopaths: they have limits. And Trump no longer has any. Consider what he just knowingly did to Scaramucci, to the nation, and to himself over the past eleven days.
Trump wanted Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer gone, but it wasn’t enough to simply fire them, which would have been swift and easy. So Trump brought in Anthony Scaramucci, knowing that his nine-months-pregnant wife had just left him, knowing that he was a danger to himself and others. Trump allowed this unhinged individual to run roughshod over the White House, bringing great shame and embarrassment to both Trump and America, until both Spicer and Priebus had resigned. Then Trump promptly fired Scaramucci as well.
Trump purposely tricked a vulnerable and unstable man into believing that he was about to become the primary adviser to the President of the United States, just so that man’s imminent meltdown would serve the purpose of cleaning house. Trump doesn’t care that he may have destroyed what little is left of Anthony Scaramucci’s unraveling life, or that he’s severely harmed his own fleeting grasp on the presidency. Trump was simply able to get the most demented enjoyment out of staging the Scaramucci freak show, and so he went that route, consequences be damned, even to himself. Whatever he was before, Donald Trump has now descended into a full blown psychopath.