Donald Trump continues frantically reshuffling his advisers like deck chairs on the Titanic

Now that Donald Trump’s failed administration has dissolved into total freefall and even his own party no longer seems particularly interested in propping him up, he’s settled on a rather simplistic and predictable solution. He’s scapegoating a number of key members of his staff with no rhyme or reason, while also shuffling other advisers from one role to another at random. By all accounts, the panic moves on the Titanic are still getting underway.
Over the past week Trump has brought in Anthony Scaramucci to fill the long vacant White House Communications Director role. That prompted the resignation of Press Secretary Sean Spicer, along with the scapegoating of Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. The Chief of Staff role is now being filled by John Kelly, who is vacating the position of Homeland Security Director, which will become vacant for now. Derek Harvey has also been fired from the National Security Council this week, with no known replacement. But those are just the confirmed moves, and far more shuffling of the Titanic deck chairs is imminently expected.
According to the New York Times, Trump is considering firing National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and replacing him with current CIA Director Mike Pompeo (link), which would leave the CIA Director position vacant. According to Newsweek, Trump is also considering firing Steve Bannon (link). Trump is publicly trying to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign, though ABC News belives that Trump might try to shift Sessions to Homeland Security (link). And there’s also widespread buzz that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and to a lesser extent Secretary of State James Mattis, are considering resigning in disgust.
So as it stands, Donald Trump currently has no FBI Director, he’s about to have no Homeland Security Director, he may soon have no CIA Director, he’s considering getting rid of his National Security Director, he’s trying to get rid of his Attorney General, he may lose his Secretaries of Defense and State, and he’s thinking about doing away with whatever it is that Steve Bannon does. This is precisely what people mean whenever they refer to shuffling the deck chairs on a sinking Titanic. Regular readers, feel free to support Palmer Report