Paul Ryan’s press conference ends with disastrous outburst: “Waste of my f—ing time!”

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, despite being the third highest ranking person in the United States government, largely kept his head down during Donald Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim ban executive order this weekend and the ensuing chaotic constitutional crisis. He finally held a press conference, but it turns out, he had no answers. By the time he was done, everyone involved was so frustrated that someone – seemingly Ryan himself – was caught muttering profanities into an open mic.

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Paul Ryan is stuck in the middle between wanting to prop up a Republican president who will allow him to try to ram through the billionaire-friendly legislation that he and the House GOP have long been salivating over, and knowing that Donald Trump is an unstable ticking time bomb whom he may ultimately have to impeach in order to preserve his own chances of reelection. As such, Ryan found himself dodging even the most basic of simple questions when he stepped before reporters to address Trump’s Muslim ban, which elicited protests across the nation, pushback from the courts, and total chaos among border agents.

By the time it was over, a visibly frustrated Ryan walked away from the podium. Just after he stepped out of view of the camera, the words “Waste of my fucking time” can be heard. It’s possible that one of the reporters in the room was the one who said it, but it seems more likely that the words came from Paul Ryan himself. Watch the video below and decide for yourself who it was that lost it on a hot mic:

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