Narcissistic Donald Trump desecrates Fourth of July with campaign song in place of National Anthem

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For a moment there today, it almost seemed Donald Trump had tweeted something presidential. After five consecutive mornings of Twitter posts that were so grotesque and unhinged as to bring universal condemnation and widespread calls for invoking the 25th Amendment, this morning Trump simply tweeted “#HappyIndependenceDay #July4 #USA” along with what initially appeared to be a video of a chorus singing a patriotic American song. But upon hearing the song… oh dear Lord.

The video posted by Trump was actually a chorus decked out patriotically, but singing a “Make America Great Again” song. That was his signature propaganda slogan during the election – and it was thinly veiled code for promoting racist and xenophobic policies that are unpatriotically incompatible with the true ideals that America has always stood for. This garbage tweet was clearly aimed at enabling Trump’s own small and shrinking base, while insulting the vast majority of Americans who are not his base.

And so this least patriotic, least liked, least decent, least sane, and certainly least presidential individual to ever occupy the office of President of the United States has now even found a way to desecrate the Fourth of July. Moreover, by posting a song dedicated to himself instead of one dedicated to the nation, Trump has once again reminded Americans that he’s a narcissistic sociopath with dictator tendencies. If you want nightmare fuel that you’ll never be able to un-hear, you can listen to Trump’s song here (link):

There is something deeply, profoundly, and clinically broken about the man who currently (and illegitimately) occupies the Oval Office. His tweet today ruined the mood of the Fourth of July for any decent Americans who had the misfortune to get tricked into listening to the above narcissistic, despotic, hateful anti-American propaganda song. This tweet might be even more disturbing than the clinically insane tweets he’s posted over the past five days. Invoking the 25th Amendment is now more urgently needed than ever, if America wants to make it to the next Fourth of July intact.

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