Before Twitter suspended him, Roger Stone may have given away who’s about to get arrested

After hearing the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was about to start arresting people, Donald Trump’s longtime friend and adviser went into such a vulgar and threatening meltdown that his Twitter account was suspended over it. But before he got himself banned, his rabid and oddly specific tweets may have given away who it is that’s about to get arrested.
Roger Stone was so panicked about the impending arrests, it can only mean one of two things. Either he fears that he’s about to get arrested himself, or he fears that someone he’s close to is about to get arrested. Stone openly despises many of Donald Trump’s advisers and associates, including Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner, while it’s never been clear that Stone cared one way or the other about Michael Flynn. However, Stone has a longtime personal and professional relationship with Paul Manafort. Guess who Stone was tweeting about before he got suspended and all his tweets vanished? Paul Manafort.
After someone on Twitter asked Roger Stone what he thought about the criminal charges, Stone profanely snapped back with “Yeah I hear Deep State stooge is indicting Manafortโs driver for double parking, u little shithead.” It was Stone who first brought up Manafort. Then he brought him up again: “Breaking : Mueller indicts Paul Manafortโs maid for tearing labels [off] sofa cushions.” After invoking his friend’s name twice, Stone then began making slur-filled threats toward reporters, which ended up getting him suspended. So what does this mean?
As best anyone in the media and the legal expert community can tell, neither Donald Trump nor any of his associates have any idea who’s getting arrested on Monday. Even the individual(s) who are about to get arrested aren’t yet aware of it. So there would be no way for Roger Stone to know for certain that it’s Paul Manafort. But based on his words and behavior, Stone sure seems to think it’s Manafort. It’s possible Stone and Manafort have spoken about this, which in turn would mean that Manafort thinks it’s Manafort. We’ll see.
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