How the Trump-Russia criminal narrative eats Donald Trump alive from here

If you’re one who pays close attention to politics, you’re already familiar with every known detail about Donald Trump’s Russia scandal โ but that doesn’t put you in the majority. By now the average American has seen enough smoke, enough unlikely coincidences, enough headlines here and there, to know that there’s something between Trump and Russia. But up until now it’s all been a metric ton of smoke and no fire. We’re now just hours away from everything changing about the public narrative.
Surveys show that the vast majority of Americans don’t watch any cable news on a regular basis. They don’t read political news. They see political headlines on Facebook, from their anti-Trump and pro-Trump friends, and they’re not that interested in spending time trying to figure out what’s real and what isn’t. They’ve just figured that if Trump-Russia is the real thing, the flames will come pouring out eventually, and if it isn’t real, it’ll fade away and they won’t have to worry about it. That leads us to Monday.
All we know thus far is that one (or more) of Donald Trump’s co-conspirators is getting arrested Monday. We don’t know who it is. We don’t know if it’ll be a peaceful voluntary surrender to authorities, or if the Feds will have to bust down someone’s door and drag them out in handcuffs. But we do know this: by Monday’s end, the average American sitting at home will learn that one of the Trump-Russia names they’ve been hearing about all year has indeed been arrested. That’s finally going to make this entire thing real to them.
The average non-political American has spent all year hearing from one side that Donald Trump committed treasonous crimes with Russia, and hearing from the other side that Trump-Russia was just fake news. But when one of Trump’s own key players gets arrested in the scandal, that’s not fake news. That’s the moment in which even the most non-political of Americans will conclude that Trump really is a Russian traitor. That sentiment will grip the nation, and it’ll eat Trump alive.
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