Forces are aligning against Donald Trump

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

The huge, serious movement sweeping across our country is astounding. The Stoneman Douglas High School students, by speaking out against automatic weapons, moved this nation to action. The teachers are uniting against the concept of arming teachers, Trump’s answer to safety in schools. As a result of the tax/jobs bill, the healthcare system is falling apart and 20 states are suing the Federal government. Women are running for office in record numbers and the #MeToo movement is bringing women together in all walks of life, and in many conversations.

The Dreamers have a reprieve, thanks to the Supreme Court. There is unity in the grass roots that has simply had enough of all the foolishness that seems to be caused by our lawmakers and president. Boys and girls, there is a movement and it’s coming for Trump and his Gang of Supporters.

The POTUS can’t be trusted. He lies to please who ever is in the room with him. He doesn’t know what he thinks and has no convictions, no policies, and no clue. Meanwhile, the deplorable Paul Ryan will only do what Trump says to do but Trump just can’t make up his mind, bringing the House of Representatives to a grinding halt.

Mitch McConnell seems to have little to say anymore now that he can’t just say “no” – which was his pledge in dealing with Obama. He seems to be off somewhere else, some place that doesn’t involve the Senate. So nothing is going to be done for the concerned citizenry.
It’s no wonder the people of the US are shifting from passivity to unrest. Turmoil in the country, danger in the world and we suffer from the worst leadership in years, if not ever. But the people are uniting and there will be a reckoning.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.