Donald Trump’s full scale meltdown is getting more pathetic by the minute

Donald Trump is now officially circling the drain. He put down his few remaining chips on his disastrous TrumpCare bill, then made no effort to help it succeed, and now he’s acting angry and shocked that it failed. That’s because even the world’s most oblivious man is finally figuring out that he’s the nation’s most embarrassing failure. And now his meltdown, which has been in progress from the minute his illegitimate presidency began, is growing more pathetic by the minute.
Trump is now so frantic in his meltdown that he can’t even decide which approach to take. This morning he tried to blame the Democrats, then immediately changed his mind and blamed the Republicans. Then he followed it up with a direct threat to try to destroy the lives of the American people as punishment for having sent people to Congress who aren’t impressed with him: “If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!”
But not long after Trump had issued that terrorist threat against the United States, he changed his mind yet again and decided to try playing delusional cheerleader: “Unless the Republican Senators are total quitters, Repeal & Replace is not dead! Demand another vote before voting on any other bill!” It was as if Trump expected the Republcians to forget that he had just threatened to destroy the lives of the people in their home states.
Forget about the previous debate about whether Donald Trump was a malignant narcissist or a sociopath. He’s in a different place now that he’s figured out he’s the most failed failure in the history of failing. This man is now a full blown psychopath, an immediate danger to himself and others. He belongs in a rubber room. It’s time for the Republican Congress to finally do what it should have done six months ago: impeach, remove, and arrest Donald Trump – and then lock him in a rubber room.
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