Democrats hold James Comey’s FBI feet to the fire over Michael T. Flynn and Trump-Russia

The Democrats in Congress, lacking a majority in either the House or Senate, cannot officially force a congressional investigation into the Donald Trump – Russia scandal, as long as the Republicans continue to try to protect him. But that isn’t stopping the Democrats from ramping up the pressure on key figures such as FBI Director James Comey, particularly in light of the new revelation that Trump National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn definitively colluded with the Russian government.

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We’ve obtained a copy of a letter which Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill sent to Comey yesterday. She cites the latest revelations about Flynn and Russia, and calls on the FBI Director to brief the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, of which she is the ranking member. McCaskill also makes a point of stressing what Palmer Report has identified as the buried lede of the Flynn-Russia story, which was that Flynn was colluding with the Russian ambassador before Election Day. And she’s not the only Democrat targeting Comey over the matter.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi released a statement today in which she declared “I am calling on the FBI to investigate the financial, political and personal ties between President Donald Trump and Russia. The American people deserve the truth.” She went on to assert that “The President and his National Security Advisor have given the Russians the impression that whatever they do, they are not to worry, because the Trump White House will not stand against their aggression. General Flynn should be suspended and have his intelligence clearance revoked until the facts are known about his secret contacts with the Russians.”

Despite lacking the majority power needed to officially force the Trump-Russia investigation along, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Democrats in Congress are using every method they do have available to try to set the scandal ablaze so that Republicans in Congress will be forced to act. Comey is already vulnerable in the eyes of the public due to the preferential treatment he showed Trump during the election; he knows that if he fails to meet the demands of the Democrats, it will create the impression among the public that Comey may have been in on the Trump-Russia scandal.

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