Parkland survivor David Hogg sticks it to the MyPillow guy

Progressive activist and Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg is a well-known fighter for causes that mean something. Hogg is a strong and heroic guy who has also proven himself to be one heck of an activist and a leader. Now he plans to lead on something else.

Hogg has announced that he, along with tech entrepreneur, William LeGate, is starting a new pillow company to compete with MyPillow.

Hogg has seen an outpouring of support on his new venture ever since he tweeted out, “This pillow fight just got very real.” This is great news, and we warmly welcome Hogg to the pillow industry!

This is not just talk, either. Hogg has already picked a name for this company and purchased a domain. He and LeGate seem to be wasting no time and are hard at work. He has said, via tweet, he expects the website to launch soon.

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