Donald Trump launches into deranged late night meltdown

Donald Trump has been having a pretty bad weekend so far, to put it mildly. His Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is in real trouble. President Obama came out swinging at him yesterday, and Trump could barely manage a whimper in response. The Feds are taking the first steps at toppling the Trump Organization in New York. It just keeps getting worse for Trump. Sure enough, he’s finally exploded in a particularly delusional late night meltdown.

There were signs that Trump was getting ready to snap when he posted an oddly timed tweet praising his favorite propagandists Diamond and Silk for no apparent reason (shortly after this, Diamond and Silk blocked Palmer Report on Twitter). But then came the meltdown. First Trump went with laugh-out-loud delusion: “Republicans are doing really well with the Senate Midterms. Races that we were not even thinking about winning are now very close, or even leading. Election night will be very interesting indeed!”

It appears Trump honestly believes that the Republican Party is “doing really well” because Republican candidates are winning primary races against other Republican candidates. But then came the truly weird tweet: “The Dems have tried every trick in the playbook-call me everything under the sun. But if I’m all of those terrible things, how come I beat them so badly, 306-223? Maybe they’re just not very good! The fact is they are going CRAZY only because they know they can’t beat me in 2020!”

If Donald Trump honestly believes he’ll still be in office by 2020, then he’s suffered some kind of mental breakdown. It’s far more likely that he’ll be in prison by 2020, or in the process of standing trial. Trump then began retweeting some of his own ass-kissers, including one who insists that Trump will win by an “even bigger landslide” in 2020. Considering that he lost the 2016 election by three million votes even after he committed treason by conspiring with Russia to rig the results in his favor, we’d say it’s time he’s fitted for a straitjacket.

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