Kristen Welker’s “Meet The Press” goes to hell

Let’s talk about the press. I want to concentrate on two aspects. One is what’s happening at CNN. The other is Kristen Welker of MSNBC. Let’s start with CNN. I once compared them to an elevator. I am not going to do that now as they are WORSE than that.
CNN is the boring and stale MUZAK ON the elevator. CNN has become — how shall I say this nicely — as boring as listening to horns honking in a particularly nasty traffic jam. I single out CNN because I do not believe their issues are that hard to fix, although, as of now, nobody HAS fixed them.
Puck is reporting that Mark Thompson, who took over for Chris Licht, is raising alarm bells in many of the anchors. People at CNN remain baffled about his plans for the network. He appears to be concentrating on digital media and not a whole heck of a lot on TV news.
Adding to the stress is the new lineup, which really is not doing well. Abby. Laura. Collins. All of them are showing shockingly low ratings. This saddens me. I actually DO want CNN to succeed.
This brings me to you, the reader. What would YOU like to see CNN do? What direction would YOU want to see them go? And who DO YOU think would make an exceptional anchor?
The time is now to TELL the folks at CNN, perhaps by tweeting or by emailing them, what would bring YOU back as a viewer. Because they need viewers desperately so, the power is with us.
Number two is Welker. In my time watching political journalism, I have never seen a more incompetent journalist if one could apply that term to Welker. I have written before about Meet the Press and how it’s worth saving. To that end, letting the folks at MSNBC know how off-putting Welker is would do them well.
The fact is Welker is like an ingratiating Groupie, a trump groupie, with candy cane adoration of him and virtually no ability to push back on anything anyone says. When I do write about the media, I like to come armed with suggestions. My suggestion on both of these issues is to speak out about them because if not us, then who?
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