Donald Trump completely short circuits – #TrumpIsNotWell

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On a sunny Saturday afternoon, people on social media were quite busy talking (and snickering) about the Bastard out of North Carolina. The Bastard in question is Donald Trump who left the state of North Carolina after — after — after doing SOMETHING that some perhaps MIGHT call giving a speech.

Others call it Pig Latin. This is because our Bastard, looking shiningly orange as ever, suffered several gaffes that beg the question: Is Donald Trump’s mental health getting worse? The answer is yes; it seems to be moving in that direction.

“Migrant Kime.” This was our Bastard yet again trying, I THINK, to say “Migrant.”

“Migrant Kime was a helluva 80s cover band,” @jojoFrom Jerz tweeted.

“What is kime?”

“Did he mean slime? Was he talking about himself?”

The Manchurian candidate also could not seem to say the word “Venezuela.”

“It was a gliche in the Trump matrix” Andrew McCormack said.

Then we arrive at gaffe number three, a particular favorite of mine since it concerns — light.

“Let there be light!!” No, Trump did NOT say that. Instead, he started to wax poetic about turning OFF the lights. The only problem? Trump did not seem to know how one goes about turning off lights.

The media crews had “typed their lights off,” Trump seemed to say, promptly sending Twitter into trills of laughter that persist even as I write this deliciously fun article.

“rapid deterioration.”
“How does one type the lights off?” millions wondered.

So yes. The orange pile of dastardly orange debris had multiple gaffes on this lovely North Carolina day. No doubt, EVERYONE breathed a sigh of relief when he left.

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