Tucker Carlson throws a complete tantrum

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Someone is having a hissy fit. Who might that be? I will give you some hints. The person melting down is vile. He wears odd outfits that look uncomfortable. He is a vaccine denier, or at least he plays one on Fox Non-News.

He has a laugh that would makes maniacal serial killers proud. He takes the word “creepy” to new and beautiful heights. He lies as quickly as the hair on Matt Gaetz’s head stands on end. And he has lost most of his advertisers though Mr. pillow guy stands proudly still.

So, if you haven’t guessed – Tucker Carlson is the monster’s name. And evil and hate-speak are his games.

But he also has someone living rent-free in his tiny little head. This person is intelligent, noble, and kind. His name is Rep. Eric Swalwell of California.

For reasons unknown, the little hate doll known as Tucker has been calling Swalwell. And Swalwell isn’t having it. Below is a text exchange first posted on Twitter by Swalwell himself.

Little doll: “Eric, it’s Tucker Carlson. Please give me a call on this number.”

Eric: “Tucker, I’m hesitant to do that. You falsely smeared my wife on Tuesday, and she’s getting death threats. That’s way out of bounds.”

“She’s a pregnant mom of a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Hit me all you like. But to go after her. That’s just wrong.”

Little doll: “Coward.”

Well! This is what the guy who has nightly show folks does in his spare time, folks!

I think if anyone is a coward, it is the little doll by the name of Tucker. I cannot help calling him a little doll. My fingers, flying across the keyboard, have a mind of their own. But he does remind me of one of those evil dolls seen in many a horror movie.

Swalwell is fast becoming one of my favorite Democrats. He’s smart, he’s courageous, and he suffers no fools. As for the little doll? I hope he continues to meltdown all the way to cancellation.

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