Tucker Carlson returns – with a whimper

It apparently didn’t take long for Tucker Carlson to stick his snotty nose back into the public eye. He announced today that he is re-launching his show on Twitter after being abruptly fired from Fox News last month. In a Twitter post Carlson said “starting soon, we’ll be bringing a new version of the show we’ve been doing for the last six and a half years to Twitter.“
I’m not sure what kind of effective platform Twitter could provide for Tucker. It certainly won’t be as prominent as the huge Fox News channel being forced into viewers’ homes by the greedy cable industry. Carlson will likely be tweeted and quickly deleted by impatient Twitter users like all their other tweets.
Tucker better gird himself for all the negative comments he will get from the majority of Twitter readers. He will be exposed to a ratio flood of deserved criticism.
I deleted my Twitter account when they allowed Donald Trump to return and Elon Musk turned it into a right wing propaganda outlet. But I’m tempted to reopen it just to join the anti-Tucker ratio chorus.