President Biden sets his sights on the not so friendly skies

In the aftermath of Covid-19, much has gone back to normal. Some things have not, however, and you may have noticed as well. One of those things has to do with the friendly skies. Perhaps you, dear reader, in your life, have experienced a flight delay or even a flight cancellation. I know I have.

But what has been happening in our skies since Covid is something else again. Lengthy delays once considered outliers, are becoming the norm. Many flights don’t take off at all. Chaos at the airport has become routine and led to many losing their desire to fly anywhere. I know some of these people.

What was once easy has now become exceedingly difficult. And I want to stress — this doesn’t happen ALL the time. But no doubt our skies aren’t what they used to be. One of the reasons is the shortage of pilots leading to numerous flight cancellations. And passengers are often not compensated. Oh — they might receive money for their flight back. But what about the cost of missed meals and broken hotel reservations?

President Biden wants to do something about this problem. The Biden administration is writing rules to ensure airlines compensate passengers for certain things they are not currently being compensated for. These include flight cancellations, baggage fees, meal expenses, and hotel reservations. Biden had this to say: “Our top priority has been to get American air travelers a better deal.”

And the American people need it. Horror stories abound lately of canceled flights, flights that are not rescheduled, huge crowds at airports that do not receive flight information efficiently, and many more issues.

If President Biden can find solutions to some of these issues, that’s a great thing. After all, flying can be stressful enough. People should not have to be put through hell just to get where they need to go. Chalk up yet another win for President Biden.

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