This scandal just keeps getting uglier for Ron DeSantis

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Abraham Lincoln. It is this: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”

It is such an insightful and accurate quote. Throughout centuries battles have been fought, kingdoms have fallen, blood has been shed — over the lust for power. Power can be corrupting. Give the wrong person a taste of it, and all hell can break loose. This is especially true if the individual who obtains the power had questionable character, to begin with This would seem to apply to Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida.

Many media members, (not Palmer Report) elevated him to non-existent heights that the weak DeSantis could never withstand. It was repeatedly reported that this man was the next great thing — perhaps even more beloved to MAGA than the former guy.

A fictitious narrative was created for a man, who was in reality permeated with weakness. And now there is more news on the wicked Governor. A former advisor of DeSantis is promoting ivermectin to treat COVID. This advisor is a psychiatrist who advised DeSantis on the same thing — COVID.

This man has advocated for using ivermectin to treat human beings describing the horse dewormer as “effective” and “safe.” But there is more: DeSantis is fundraising off mocking Dr. Fauci. Shirts and other types of merchandise are being sold online by a fundraising site for DeSantis. This site also encourages people to purchase anti-masking merchandise such as coolers that say, “How the hell am I going to be able to drink a beer with a mask on?”

This then is the individual who runs Florida. Throughout the years, people have done anything and everything for the seductive thriller of power. In the case of DeSantis, it was inevitable that he would be corrupted because his soul was dark from the start. As Lincoln said, there is no more significant indicator of character than power — even if that power was an illusion.

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