This is just so ugly for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

People know I am no fan of Iowa Governor #CovidKim Reynolds. What makes her maladministration worse is that Iowa has Republican majorities in both houses of the General Assembly that are working with her to bring about a Trumpian utopia in Iowa.

The 2021 session has so far read like a right wing wish list. From moving amendments to the Iowa Constitution forward that will hamstring sensible regulation of firearms or saying women have no right to control their bodies to requiring 100% in person learning for Iowa schools during a pandemic, the 2021 session has been a long train of abuses and usurpations of the rights of Iowans.

Now legislative Republicans are seeking to advance bills that would prohibit the University of Iowa, University of Northern Iowa, or Iowa State University from granting tenure to faculty. They also want to require the Regents to survey the political affiliations of all Board and public university employees and report on it to the legislature. The Republicans offered the usual excuses about liberal professors indoctrinating students and that schools are mean to Republicans. If the tenure prohibition were to become law, it would devastate the schools. Good luck trying to attract or retain faculty to these schools. The exodus of talent out of Iowa would be made even worse than it is now as people leave for better lives in other states and leave Iowa in the dust.

T***p may be gone there are still Trumpian governments throughout the country. Trumpian governments like Iowa’s largely do not care if citizens live or die. It’s not enough to elect Democrats to federal office. We all must double down our efforts to elect more Democrats in 2022 across the board at all levels to bring the scourge of Trumpism to an end.

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