This is just embarrassing for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

There was somewhat of a kerfuffle in Dubuque recently when the 50th best governor in the country – one Kim Reynolds – paid a visit to the area on Thursday, June 10. Namely having to do with the legislators representing Dubuque, who are all Democrats, not getting notice of the visit until either the night before or the day of the event. Contrast that with the event held in Monticello the previous day, where Republicans from all over the region were invited to come bask in the glow of the Orange Florida Man worshipping governor.

CovidKim’s spokespeople tried to say that they had given enough notice to Dubuque’s lawmakers. But others such as GQP lawmakers got plenty of notice for the Monticello event and other organizations in Dubuque also received enough notice to schedule events around her visit. I tend to believe our area legislators over the hot air coming out of Terrace Hill these days.

Like Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rep. Ross Wilburn said, Democrats in Iowa are pretty much an afterthought. The Branch Trumpvidian government gives the barest lip service to ideas like bipartisanship and serving all the people of Iowa, but their actions speak much louder than words. They’re just there to “own the libs” and serve their special interests. The attitude of CovidKim and the Iowa GQP is not isolated just to Iowa. Many states under Republican control look upon Democrats as an afterthought at best, if not completely ignoring people who didn’t vote for them.

While a “shoe’s now on other foot” attitude would give me immense satisfaction, if the Democrats ever come back into control here in Iowa I know they would not be so petty towards the GQP. They are and would be the adults in the room.

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