What a turnaround!

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Not surprisingly, other countries have a more positive view of the United States with President Joe Biden at the helm. Pew Research recently conducted a poll of other countries to gauge their views on the United States overall. These countries held a relatively low view of the U.S. while Trump was in office, but this poll shows an uptick since President Biden assumed office. The majority โ€œhave confidenceโ€ that President Biden will handle world affairs properly, and they further expressed overall confidence in President Biden at 75% as compared to 17% for Trump. These numbers are huge, but they really come as no surprise. Trump was a joke, both at home and abroad, and many feared we would lose our standing in the world because of his lack of leadership skills. Quoting Washington Post, โ€œthe world felt a great sense of relief when Joe Biden became president.โ€ Yes, we did.

This news comes as President Biden has concluded his G-7 attendance, which appears to have been a positive experience. This poll, however, does share bad news. Most countries, or 57% according to Pew Research, no longer see the U.S. as a good example of democracy. Who can blame them? Given the problems stemming from the โ€œbig lie,โ€ the attack on our Capitol, and Republican willingness to suppress voting, it is little wonder that those on the outside looking in see the negative side of American democracy. President Biden is doing everything in his power to change those perceptions. He is also focused on his message of America recommitting to its allies, including donating 500 million doses of vaccines to some of the poorer countries. The New York Times published a piece about President Bidenโ€™s trip in photographs, which shows the leaders being cordial with each other and a shot of U.S. troops looking very excited and animated during one of President Bidenโ€™s speeches. President Biden is trying his hardest to repair these relationships and to continue to move our country forward, and his actions are reflected by the survey numbers.

While 17% said they โ€œhad confidenceโ€ in the U.S. under Trumpโ€™s โ€œleadership,โ€ confidence now stands at 75%, which reflects their confidence in President Biden. Overall, the countriesโ€™ impression of the U.S. has risen from 34% to 62%. In addition, 89% approve of the Bidenโ€™s administration decision to rejoin WHO, and 85% approve rejoining the Paris climate accord. President Biden has also proposed a โ€œsummit of democracies,โ€ which the majority approve, and he received a high approval rating on relaxing Trumpโ€™s cruel, racist immigration policies. Finding agreement and cohesion with our allies is important, and the way in which the world views our country is important. World leaders must step up else they cannot lead. This is President Bidenโ€™s goal, and he is well on his way to accomplishing that goal.

It frankly comes as no surprise to see the reception President Biden has received on the world stage. He continues to remind that we made the best possible decision for our country by electing him to office.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.