This is getting painful for Brian Kemp

We have some excellent news for the Democrats and terrible news for one Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Major League Baseball Commissioner Robert Manfred has decided to move the All-Star Game and MLB draft. They will not take place in Atlanta. This is because Georgia’s idiot of a Governor signed into law the vile and disgusting voter suppression legislation.

There have been outcries over this and calls for the game to be moved, and it is happening. Manfred announced it. So, thank you to him for that. He is doing the right thing. Kemp cannot be happy about this. And I am positive this is only the beginning. This legislation is savage, and the people of this country know it.

Here is Manfred’s statement: “Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box. Fair access to voting continues to have our game’s unwavering support.”

I couldn’t have said it better. We should all feel grateful to the Commissioner and his team for making this critical decision.

Actions have consequences, as the embittered Governor Kemp must now be realizing. And with continued push-back from the American people, we got results. Activism works, and this result should make all activists very proud.

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