Things just got interesting

There was some further proof that things are about to get interesting. Law enforcement and other security agencies at various levels – local, state, and Federal – met to perform security assessments and start planning for Orange Fornicate Face (OFF) to be indicted in the very near future. As OFF hasn’t been charged yet, the various agencies are characterizing this as a precautionary move for now.

None of the agencies are being overly talkative about it at this point, which makes sense given the enormity of the task they all face. While OFF’s attorney said they’ll cooperate and follow procedures if OFF must surrender, there’s no telling if OFF’s Branch Trumpvidian (BT) followers have enough sense to behave or not. OFF’s BT cultists have already shown a willingness to commit violent acts if things don’t go OFF’s way. If OFF must face the music, it very well could be that OFF will try to send coded messages to his followers through social media to encourage them to commit violent acts. So, it makes total authorities are taking this damn serious and preparing for any BT stupidity. If they do get stupid, I hope law enforcement and prosecutors deal with them to the fullest extent of the law.

Regardless of when OFF is indicted by any jurisdiction investigating him, this is all unprecedented. God knows there’s some Republican Presidents that should have been held responsible for their malfeasance (Ford, Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II), but this is the first time in my life that a President or former President is facing criminal indictment, I imagine it’s the same for most readers, that this is the closest we’ve ever gotten to such an official facing criminal charges.

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