Fox News suddenly has an audience problem

Well, well well. It appears that the minds of some Fox non-news viewers HAVE been changed after all. There was a survey conducted by Maru Group for Variety Intelligence Platform. And this survey was on the fake news network itself. And the survey found that 21 percent of fox viewers now trust the propaganda network LESS after the recent revelations about Tucker Carlson and other Fox executives.

Eleven percent say they do not trust the network but didn’t before either. (I’d love to talk to THOSE people.) And 23 percent have no opinion at all. What this tells us is that there are at least a small amount of fox viewers who haven’t totally lost their minds.

It also tells us that Fox better do something because they just might be losing viewers. And in the same poll, 13 percent of fox viewers said their minds were in fact changed and now they believe the 2020 presidential election was legitimate. I imagine Fox are not happy campers right now. Too damn bad. And as more revelations continue to pour forward those numbers might become even grimmer for the non-news network. Here’s hoping.

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