To the victors belong the spoils

We’ve grown tired of hearing about the 74 million Americans who didn’t vote for Biden. Despite winning the popular vote in 2016, Hillary Clinton did not become president. The antiquated Electoral College system installed her opponent, who never had the support of a majority of the electorate. For four years we heard “get over it,” and there was nary a bit of concern for the 65 million of us who voted for Clinton. Now that we have President Biden who won the popular vote decisively and incontrovertibly, we don’t need to entertain the question “what about the 74 million who did not vote for Biden?”

Elections have winners and losers. There’s no participation trophy or consolation prize. When a magazine correspondent asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about those 74 million voters this week, it was good to hear her reply include a reminder that 81 million people voted for President Biden and Vice President Harris. Unlike his predecessor, President Biden doesn’t seek to exclude those who didn’t cast their ballots for him, so those on the right don’t have nearly as much to worry about as we did under the vengeful previous president.

In other countries, it’s understood that the winning party gets to govern like winners. If the electorate dislikes the results, it can voice disapproval at the ballot box. When Republicans win in this country, they’re not concerned with working with or considering the needs of everyday citizens. Now that Democrats are the winners, we need to act like it. The good thing for Republicans is they don’t have to worry about exclusion or being disregarded, as Democrats’ agendas are inclusive and seek to do the most good for the most people, not just white evangelicals or the wealthy. We are the victors, and we’ve earned the right to act accordingly.

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