The media is blowing this

I want to speak to you about an extremely important issue. This concerns the media and how they are reporting, not just on Afghanistan but other things as well. It is important to note I do not refer to all media. But there is something going on among many of them that I do not like and must highlight.

Lately, there seems to be an almost gleeful aspect to some of the reporting. Allow me if you will to cite some examples, leaving Afghanistan for last. Many in the media have begun covering the upcoming mid-terms. That is fine. But there seem to be assumptions being made.

This is how many oundits often begin:

“It seems probable that the Democrats will lose the House and maybe the Senate.”

“The tide is against the Democrats.”

I could go on. This is exactly how these same pundits reported on both the Presidential election and the Georgia special elections. And we won both!

Here is another example, and although it might not seem at first to be that important, believe me, it is.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo has left office. That’s not the issue. However, for the last few days, there have been a series of vicious and gleeful attacks on a rumor that Cuomo abandoned his dog.

There has been almost NO reporting on the fact that Cuomo AND a representative responded saying the former Governor was taking a vacation and there was no truth to these rumors.

But it is not just that. Hit pieces calling this puppy a “junkyard dog” whose personality is just like Cuomo’s have begun to trickle out. That’s right, attack pieces on — THE DOG!

Now we get to Afghanistan. Many have come forward in Biden’s defense, and many more will in the upcoming days and weeks. But many pundits are not speaking of this or former President Bush’s decision to take us to war or the former guy’s horrible policies.

Lawrence O’Donnell has been great. Brian Williams has been spectacular. So have others. But we need to hold the media accountable when they do this because if not us, then who?

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