That sound you hear is the Republican Party howling in agony

I am sure there were many squeals of outrage from countless GOP members this week. The GOP is not having a good week, to say the least. President Biden did wonderfully in his meeting with Putin.

Polls have come out indicating trust in our country has been restored. Manchin appears to be in the process of caving, and Juneteenth just became a national federally recognized holiday. And now there is more bad news for the insurrection party.

The Supreme Court has ruled on a challenge to the Affordable Care Act. And they ruled in favor of keeping it in place. The decision was 7-2, with Justice Alito and Justice Gorsuch dissenting. This is the latest setback for the GOP. They have already tried to get the ACA thrown out, and it never does work out for them.

The question of WHY the GOP wants to throw millions of people off of their health plans is a GOOD question and not one I have the answer to. Perhaps this is a question that Democrats can bring up in Mid-term debates.

President Biden expressed his gratitude with a tweet: “With millions of people relying on the Affordable Care Act for coverage, it remains, as ever, a BFD. And it’s here to stay.”

This ruling is a great thing. If it had gone the other way, that would have meant no more health care for roughly 31 million people. So as we head into the weekend, we have a streak of wins at our heels. Let’s continue our activism and make ALL of the GOP’s weeks as miserable as this one.

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