Ted Cruz just found a whole new way to humiliate himself

Rafael Ted Cruz is a moron. We all know this. But lately, he has taken his lunacy to new heights. Not content to be merely a dishonest and cowardly Senator, the toxic Texan now seems to be in the business of trying to show just how brave he is.

After a supposed “trip to the border,” which may or may not have happened, the Senator posted a series of tweets talking about how dire the situation at the border is. The fact that his idol in chief caused these issues seems to have been forgotten by Cruz. But now, he is also claiming to have had encounters with Drug dealers.

The delusional Texan said he encountered cartel members who yelled at and heckled him from across the river. I cannot say I’m surprised that anybody would mock Cruz, even if it had been El Chapo himself. However, I highly doubt this event occurred. Many others questioned it as well, and the situation quickly became hilarious.

I feel for Texans having this person representing them. One cannot imagine Ted Cruz facing down drug dealers and human traffickers. Give yourself a minute for a daily laugh at this absurdity.

I do wonder who the Senator will claim to have seen next. Superman? The President of Antifa? (there is none.) Maybe he can find out who Q is. Such a brave Senator!

Mr. Cruz also seems to have a thing for Mexico since he cannot stop fleeing there and talking about being there. I think Cruz should resign and maybe move there where he could live quietly with Mariachi music blaring. Beto O’Rourke found all this hilarious, posting, “The only threat you face is unarmed children and families who are seeking asylum (as well as the occasional heckler.)”

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