Ron Johnson sinks to a whole new low with deranged Senate floor stunt

Wisconsin Senator and walking, talking calamity Ron Johnson is holding up money that will save millions of Americans’ lives and businesses. While people are forced to turn to food banks to support themselves and their families, the depraved Senator seems like he couldn’t care less.

Johnson is holding up this finding in the form of stalling for time on the Biden COVID Relief bill. Don’t worry. It will pass. But because of Johnson’s malfeasance, valuable time is being wasted.

This is nothing more than a political stunt on the part of the half-witted Senator. He knows the Relief bill will pass. But because he wants to be seen as fighting the Democrats on everything and anything, he feels he has to do this even if he is making a fool of himself and showing that his constituents’ lives mean nothing to him.

The COVID bill is 628 pages long, and Johnson is insisting on every word being read aloud. When he started this brainless stunt, there were some other people in the room. Hours later, we saw the room abruptly become empty. Even Republicans are not sticking around for this garbage.

So, right now, the Wisconsin Senator is indeed the cheese that stands alone. One wonders why he doesn’t just let the poor individual reading the bill go home, and then he could talk to himself since, at this point, he has no audience left. This would be funny if it were not tragic.

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