Marco Rubio throws a tantrum

Marco Rubio is throwing a tantrum because President Biden referred to Republican anti-mask measures as “Neanderthal thinking. That’s right, Rubio wants Biden to apologize for hurting his feelings. The rest of us want Rubio to apologize for hurting America.

Rubio just keeps finding new ways to embarrass himself. He’s vowing to vote against the COVID relief bill, while he spreads endless lies about it on social media. He’s lying about Biden’s immigration policy. He just lies constantly – and then on Sundays he disingenuously tweets Bible verses that he clearly doesn’t believe in or live by.

Marco Rubio’s schtick is getting old. He’s too corrupt and dishonest to be of any value as a politician, and he’s too stupid to figure out how to sell the lies he’s pushing. He’s a punchline, and he’s making the state of Florida look stupid for having elected him. As a reminder, he’s up for reelection in 2022.

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