Rachel Maddow just nailed it

Tuesday evening, I witnessed a fascinating conversation between MSNBC’S Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell. Maddow was ending her show, and O’Donnell was beginning his. If you watch their shows, you are aware the two sometimes chat a bit in between the shows. Tuesday was such a night. And the person they were speaking about was one, Donald Trump.

They were speaking of the seemingly endless amount of litigation that Mr. Trump is immersed in. And they speculated this litigation could last forever. The exact words used were “there could be no end.”

They also speculated that the Capitol riot could cause a wave of people signing on to Representative Eric Swalwell’s lawsuit. Punitive Damages were talked about, and it was their opinion that many people in the Capitol that day could indeed sue for such damages. Rachel speculated that it could be “a parade that lasts to the end of his life.”

I agree with Maddow and O’Donnell. At the rate Individual One is going, he may be poised to make the world record for the most litigation ever brought against one person. There does not seem to be any end in sight as it seems every week we hear about yet another legal filing.

And that does not even include the criminal probes. So, Trump is fading quickly. One thing is for sure. He will not be the nominee in 2024. His MAGA friend, Governor Ron Desantis, is in the thick of it, with stories about his alleged corruption breaking with regularity.

Neither of the two has a chance in 2024, but it was good to see Rachel and Lawrence knock it out of the park once again. Maybe the Governor and the Insurrectionist should start watching Maddow because there’s more wisdom there than both these Republican fools have shown in a lifetime.

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