New trouble for Greg Abbott in Texas

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It looks like there is trouble in Texas again. Texas has been through so much this year. But, unfortunately, so many of Texas’s problems are, at least in part, because the state has lousy representation, and some of its Senators do not appear to care what happens in their great state. (I’m looking at you, Ted Cruz.)

Texas’ primary power grid is having issues. There are record demands for electricity, and the grid cannot seem to keep up. As a result, there have been unexpected plant blackouts.

These outages have caused confusion and prompted warnings to Texans to conserve power.

ERCOT (The electric reliability council of Texas) has said power plant outages were a surprise to them. They also were vague on the cause of the outages.

But the problem is Texas is experiencing a heatwave now. So it isn’t exactly a great time for this to happen-not that any time is great. But Texans are being asked to turn off lights, set thermostats higher than usual, and avoid the use of particular electric appliances.

So, this crisis comes in the middle of a heatwave. Perhaps Senator Ted Cruz will take off to Mexico again. What needs to happen, of course, is for Texas leaders to fix the problems. Or at least attempt to resolve the issues.

But Texas Governor Greg Abbott (good for nothing-insurrection party-Texas) seems less concerned with this urgent issue and more worried about other things such as funding the border wall and making it more difficult for Texans to vote. Those issues appear profoundly worrying to the horrible Governor.

My heart does go out to the great people of Texas. Want someone actually to address this crisis? Vote and tell others to vote Blue in 2022-straight ticket. Because right now, your current Governor seems like he couldn’t care less.

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